Claro is a responsible young man and is easy to get along with. He is a good leader and is currently the Vice President of his class. He studies hard and gets good grades (grade average 91). In the eighth grade, Claro was #6 in his class. Currently, he is in a special science class. He wakes early to get to school on time. Goals: He wants to finish his studies, become a successful architect and lift his family from poverty. Favorites: He likes studying science and MAPEH (arts and health). He also likes reading books and drawing. Family: Claro lives with his parents. He is the sixth of seven children. Three siblings are also students. Income: His father is a farmer earning $87 a month during his turn to farm the land which is rotated among his other siblings. An older sister also provides financial help, but there are four students in the family. Housing: The family home has hollow blocks walls, a corrugated sheet steel roof and a concrete floor.
SKU: id-7394