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Jason is #2 in his high school class, has artistic skills and wants to succeed in his studies. His team placed #2 in a quiz bee. He placed #2 in table tennis and #1 in badminton. In grade school, he was #2 academically (salutorian).

Goals: Jason wants to finish his studies, become a policeman and build a nice house of his own.

Favorites:  He likes math, Filipino and quiz bees. He also enjoys drawing, dancing and eating vegetable soup.

Family: His parents have separated. His father is a manual laborer and his mother has no job. He lives with a grandmother and other relatives.

Income: His grandmother is dependent on her children who give her $95 a month. However, she uses that money for her own medications, food for 7 children/grandchildren and school expenses for 3 dependents. The $95 a month does not meet all their needs.

Housing: The house of his grandmother has walls of hollow concrete blocks, a roof of corrugated sheet steel and a floor of concrete.


SKU: id-7331
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