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Her mother passed away and the family struggles financially, but teachers describe Kyla as kind, humble and grateful for any help she receives. She gets good grades (average 91), is #7 in her class and was #3 in elementary school.

Goals: Kyla wants to become a teacher.
Favorites: In school, she likes Mathematics. Her favorite foods are vegetables. She enjoys sports.
Family: Her mother died when she was 9 years old. She lives with her father and a 4 year old brother. In the summers, she spends most of her time working in the home of a relative doing household choirs.
Income: Her father earns a minimal income growing vegetables on a small piece of land.  In turn for working for relatives in the summer, Kyla receives some financial support for her education.
Housing: Their house has walls of hollow blocks. The roof is made of corrugated steel sheets. The floor is concrete.

Kyla Mae

SKU: id-7396
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