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Shania Navano

Shania has been an honor student since elementary school and has a 91% grade point average. She is eager to finish her studies and have a successful career. She shows enthusiasm for school by coming to school early. She loves attending classes and participating in class activities. Shania is currently a class Vice President and when the teacher is out of the class, she leads her classmates to behave.

Goals: Her goal is to become a lawyer.

Favorites: In school, Shania likes English and Journalism. She also likes playing volleyball.

Family: Shania lives with her mother, a cousin and the parents of her cousin.

Income: The family of 5 lives on about $4 a day.

Housing: Their home has walls of concrete blocks. The roof is made of corrugated steel sheets. The floor is concrete. The windows are bamboo slats.

Shania Navano




Aklan, Philippines


2nd Yr High School

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